SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR9710E Insufficient memory to continue operations.
Explanation: There is not enough memory to operate the label utility program.
SystemAction: The program is halted.
User Response: Providemore memory for the program to use.
ANR9711E Unrecognized argument ’argument’.
Explanation: The specified argument is not recognized as one that is supported by
the label utility program.
SystemAction: The program is halted.
User Response: Retrythe label utility program with the correct argument syntax.
ANR9712E Argument has invalid value ’argument’.
Explanation: The value specified for the given argument is not valid.
SystemAction: The program is halted.
User Response: Retrythe label utility program with the correct argument syntax.
ANR9713E Only one library can be specified.
Explanation: Only one library can be specified in the argument list for the label
utility program.
SystemAction: The program is halted.
User Response: Retrythe label utility program with the correct argument syntax.
ANR9714E No drives were specified.
Explanation: At least one drive must be specified for use by the label utility
(DSMLABEL) program.
SystemAction: The program is halted.
User Response: Retrythe label utility program with the correct argument syntax.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages