ANR0431W Session session number refused - administrator administrator ID (client platform)
is locked.
Explanation: The server refuses the specified administrative session because the
administrator is locked from server access (with the LOCKADMIN command).
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Beforethe administrator is permitted to access the server, a
properly authorized administrator must unlock the administrator with the UNLOCK
ADMIN command.
ANR0432W Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - insufficient
Explanation: The server ends the specified session because sufficient memory
(virtual memory) is not available.
SystemAction: The server ends the session and continues operation.
User Response: Allocateadditional storage to the server. For details, issue HELP
MEMORYto display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
ANR0433W Session session number for node or administrator ID (client platform) refused -
insufficient recovery log space.
Explanation: The server ends the specified client or administrative session because
sufficient log space is not available to complete a database transaction.
SystemAction: The server ends the session and continues operation.
User Response: To increase the amount of log space available to the server, an
authorized administrator can add log volumes using the DEFINE LOGVOLUME
command, and extend the size of the log using the EXTEND LOG command.
ANR0434W Session session number for node or administrator ID (client platform) refused -
insufficient database space.
Explanation: The server ends the specified client or administrative session because
sufficient database space is not available to complete a database transaction.
SystemAction: The server ends the session and continues operation.
User Response: To increase the amount of database space available to the server,
an authorized administrator can add database volumes using the DEFINE
DBVOLUME command, and extend the size of the database using the EXTEND
DB command.
Version 3 Release 7