ANR5051E (S/390)Tapedata set allocation of logical record length changed from server value to
current value.
Explanation: The server allocated the logical record length of its tape data set as
server value, but it has been changed to current value.
SystemAction: Current tape operation fails.
User Response: Checkfor MVS or system application messages preceding this
message that indicate what caused the change to the logical record length. Check for
any system exits that may change the logical record length (for example,
IEFDB401). Ensure that the server can use its original value for the logical record
ANR5060E (S/390)Unableto open VTAM ACB Name name,rccode.
Explanation: The server cannot be identified to VTAMwith the ACB name
SystemAction: Server operation continues. Support for the 3270 and SNALU6.2
COMMmethods is disabled. The server periodically tries to open theACB and when
successful, the 3270 and SNALU6.2 COMMmethods are enabled.
User Response: Fora description of the reported error code, refer to VTAM
Programming. If theACB has been temporarily varied off, no action is required.
The server periodically tries to open theACB. If the ACB is not defined and the
COMMmethods 3270 or SNALU6.2 are not supported for any clients, shut down
the server with the HALTcommand and set the LUNAME statement in the server
options file to *NONE*. If COMMmethods 3270 or SNALU6.2 are supported,
contact your VTAM(network) administrator to ensure that the ACB name has been
properly defined in a member of SYS1.VTAMLST.
ANR5061E (S/390)Unableto issue SETLOGON for VTAM ACB Name name,rccode, reas reason,
rpl: rtncd return code fdb2 feedback.
Explanation: The server detects an error while informing VTAMthat it is ready to
accept a session.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. Support for the 3270 and SNALU6.2
COMMmethods is disabled. The server periodically tries to reissue the SETLOGON
User Response: Fora description of the reported error code, refer to VTAM
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages