ANR8850I ACSLS library library name is ready for operations.
Explanation: The initialization process for the given library has completed
successfully,and the library is ready for use.
SystemAction: The library is made ready for use.
User Response: None.
ANR8851E Initializationfailed for ACSLS library library name; will retry in delay time
Explanation: The initialization process for the given library has failed. It is retried
automatically after the specified amount of time has elapsed.
SystemAction: The initialization will be retried later.
User Response: Ensurethat the library device is powered on and ready.
ANR8852E Initializationfailed for ACSLS library library name.
Explanation: The initialization process for the given library has failed and will not
be retried until the next time the server needs to access the library.
SystemAction: The library is made temporarily unavailable.
User Response: None.
ANR8853E Incompatibleoptions CHECKLABEL=NO and SEARCH=YES for ACSLS
Explanation: The CHECKLABEL=NO and SEARCH=YES parameters on the
CHECKIN LIBVOL command are not compatible.
SystemAction: The command fails.
User Response: Reissuethe CHECKIN LIBVOL command and specify
ANR8854E ACSAPI(command name) invocation failed, status=acs status.
Explanation: TheACSLS library api invocation for the given command failed.
SystemAction: Depends on the server function and command, library may be
User Response: Contactyour ACS SystemAdministrator and perform ACSLS
library problem determination.
Version 3 Release 7