User Response: If the session is ended as a result of intentionally stopping either
the client or server, no response is required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and
server can communicate through such means as Telnetor FTP applications, which
are part of the TCP/IPsuite.
ANR8217W (AS/400)
Error receiving data on socketsocket number.
Explanation: TheADSM server experiences an error return code from TCP/IP
while receiving data on the indicated socket. This may be a normal event if either
side of the connection is abruptly ended by the client or server.
SystemAction: The session is ended. Server operation continues.
User Response: If the session is ended as a result of intentionally stopping either
the client or the server, no response is required. Otherwise, ensure that the client
and the server can communicate through such means as Telnetor FTP applications,
which are part of the TCP/IPsuite.
ANR8217W (HP-UX)
TCP/IPdriver is unable to set the window size to TCPWindowsize for client
client. The default value will be used.
Explanation: The server cannot set the window size for the indicated client to the
requested size shown. The server uses the default window size for the indicated
session. There may be a lack of memory for TCP/IPbuffers.
SystemAction: Server operation continues and the session continues with the
default window size.
User Response: Retry the session with a smaller window size in the options file.
Issue the QUERYOPTION command to determine the setting of the server
ANR8217W (Solaris)
Unable to initialize TCP/IPdriver - insufficient memory.
Explanation: Because the operating system rejects a memory allocation request,
the server cannot start communications through TCP/IP.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the server cannot accept sessions
from clients using the TCP/IPprotocol.
User Response: Ensure that sufficient paging space is available for Solaris.You
may also use ps -ef to determine if the number of applications is causing a memory
shortage. It may be necessary to decrease the maximum number of client sessions
by changing the MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages