linear data set
Atype of MVS data set that TSM uses for the database, the recovery log, and
storage pools. The data set must be preallocated using VSAM IDCAMS and
formatted by TSM for its use.
load See mount.
local area network (LAN)
Anetwork in which a set of devices are connected to one another for
communication and that can be connected to a larger network.
logical file
Aclient file stored in one or more server storage pools, either by itself or as part of
an aggregate file. See also aggregate file and physical file.
logical occupancy
The space required for the storage of logical files in a storage pool. Because logical
occupancy does not include the unused space created when logical files are deleted
from aggregates, it may be less than physical occupancy. See also physical file and
logical file.
logical volume
(1)A portion of a physical volume that contains a filesystem. (2) For the TSM
server, the combined space from all volumes defined to either the database or the
recovery log. The database is one logical volume and the recovery log is one logical
log pool size
The size of an area in memory used to store recovery log pages.
low migration threshold
Apercentage of the storage pool capacity that specifies when TSM can stop the
migration of files to the next storage pool. Contrast with high migration threshold.
See server migration.
Mmachine information
Details about the machine on which a client node resides.
macro file
Afile that contains one or more administrative commands and that is run from an
administrative client. Contrast with TSM command script.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages