ANS1307E Node in use
Explanation: The node you are running on is in use by another operation on the
server.This might be from another client or from some activity on the server.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Retrythe operation, or see your system administrator to see what
other operations are running for your node.
ANS1308E Expiration date must be greater than today’s date
Explanation: Archive expiration date is too low,the date must be greater than
SystemAction: TSM canceled the current operation.
User Response: Retryarchiving the file with an expiration date that is higher than
ANS1309W Requested data is offline
Explanation: For the restore or retrieve operation, one or more of the requested
files must be recalled from offline storage media (generally tape). The wait time
depends on your site’soffline storage management policies.
SystemAction: TSM waits for offline storage media to become available and then
User Response: None.
ANS1310E Object too large for server limits
Explanation: The object is too large. The configuration of the server does not
have any data storage space that accepts the object.
SystemAction: File skipped.
User Response: Seeyour system administrator to determine the maximum file
(object) size for which your site’sserver is configured.
ANS1311E Server out of data storage space
Explanation: The server does not have any space available to store the object.
SystemAction: TSM ended the current operation.
User Response: You can take any of the following actions:
¶Request the system administrator to add space to the storage pool.
¶Set COMPRESSALWAYS=NOand COMPRESSIon=YES in the options file
(DSM.OPT). If the file grows during compression, then TSM will resend it
¶Turn off disk caching in the disk storage pool, and issue MOVE DATA
commands to each disk pool volume to clear out the cached bitfiles.
Version 3 Release 7