the original files on theAS/400. If the LRECL of the files is increased during the
edit process, they will be truncated when they are returned to theAS/400.
Note: If anADSM recovery file exists with an LRECL that is different than what is
being used on the LRECLRECOVERYFILEoption, the existing file must be
deleted and re-created with the appropriate BACKUP command. For
example, the device configuration file is re-created with the BACKUP
DEVCONFIG command.
ANR8556W (AS/400)
LRECLRECOVERYFILE statement in file filespec results in ADSM recovery
files that cannot be edited on theAS/400.
Explanation: While processing the specified server options file, the server has
encountered an LRECLRECOVERYFILEstatement with a value greater than 240.
AnAS/400 file with an LRECL greater than 240 cannot be edited on the AS/400.
TheADSM recovery files affected by this option are the volume history file, the
device configuration file and the DRM recovery plan file.
SystemAction: Server initialization continues.
User Response: Ignorethe warning or change the LRECLRECOVERYFILE
statement to a value less than 241 and restart the server.If the warning is ignored
and it becomes necessary to edit theADSM recovery files, the files will have to be
edited on a platform other than theAS/400 and returned to the AS/400. For
example, it may be necessary to FTP the files to a PCWorkstation, edit them there
and FTP the changed files back to theAS/400. While editing the files, ensure that
the new LRECL does not exceed that of the original files on theAS/400. If the
LRECL of the files is increased during the edit process, they will be truncated when
they are returned to theAS/400.
Note: If anADSM recovery file exists with an LRECL that is different than what is
being used on the LRECLRECOVERYFILEoption, the existing file must be
deleted and re-created with the appropriate BACKUP command. For
example, the device configuration file is re-created with the BACKUP
DEVCONFIG command.
ANR8557E (AS/400)
Truncationoccurred during a write operation.
Explanation: ADSM has detected a truncation while attempting a write operation.
SystemAction: The server activity which encountered this error will end, but
server processing continues.
User Response: Referto the other displayed messages to determine which file was
involved when the write operation failed.As a group, the volume history file, the
Version 3 Release 7