0 = no additional sense bytes available
1 = recovered error
2 = not ready
3 = medium error
4 = hardware error
5 = illegal request
6 = unit attention (for example, a SCSI bus reset)
7 = data protect
8 = blank check
9 = vendor specific
A = copy aborted
B = aborted command
C = equal compare on SEARCH DATA command
D = volume overflow
E = miscompare
F = reserved
Additional sense codes (ASC) and additional sense code
qualifiers (ASCQ) are bytes 12 and 13 of the sense bytes.
You should refer to the sense byte number along with the
value for a complete description of the common values of
the ASC andASCQ codes. The drive or library reference
manual provided with the device usually contain tables
explaining the values of the KEY,ASC, and ASCQ fields.
“Common Valuesfor ASC and ASCQ Codes” on page 1398
also provides additional information on the common values
of ASC and ASCQ.
Completion Code and Operation Code ValuesThis section lists the completion code values for the following:
¶All device classes
¶Media changers
¶Tape and optical drives
This section lists the operation code values for tape library devices.
See “Operation Code Valuesfor Tape Library Devices” on page 1397
for a description of the operation codes.
Version 3 Release 7