ANR8249W (AIX)Server TransactionProgram not registered with APPC. Mask returned 0xmask,
return code returncode.
Explanation: The server determines that the Server Transaction Program is not
registered while initializing to communicate with clients overAPPC. The indicated
mask is returned with the indicated return code.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.APPC communications is disabled.
User Response: Ensurethat APPC is properly configured and activated. Ensure
thatAPPC can communicate with other nodes through utility programs. Ensure that
ADSMSERVis properly registered as a transaction program.
ANR8249E (AS/400)
Drive not defined for library library in device configuration information file.
Explanation: The specified command requires that the specified drive be defined
in the device configuration information file for the specified library.This definition
was not found or the statements in the file are in the wrong order.
SystemAction: The command is not processed.
User Response: Refreshyour device configuration information file by issuing the
BACKUP DEVCONFIG command. Make sure a drive is defined for the library
associated with the device class. Reissue the command.
ANR8249W (Windows NT)
Unable to resolve address fornode name.
Explanation: The server attempts to obtain a IPX/SPX address for the indicated
node name. The attempt is unsuccessful.
SystemAction: The attempt to communicate with the indicated node fails. Server
operation continues.
User Response: Ensurethat the node name is properly specified and that it is
accessible over the network.
ANR8250E (AIX) APPC needs a transaction program name profile name in options file.
Explanation: The server cannot accept a client session due to the absence of a
transaction program name profile name in the options file.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Supplya transaction program name profile name in the server
options file. Stop and restart the server.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages