User Response: Ensure that the requested volume is inserted properly into the
designated library.
ANR8309E Mount attempt failed - library library name is not defined.
Explanation: An attempt has been made to mount a volume, but the attempt fails
because the specified library is not defined.
SystemAction: The operation fails.
User Response: Ensure that the LIBRARYattribute of the device class associated
with the mount operation identifies a defined library.If not, correct the value of the
LIBRARYattribute, or define the specified library and retry the operation.
ANR8309E (AS/400)
Mount attempt failed - library library name is not defined.
Explanation: An attempt has been made to mount a volume, but the attempt fails
because the specified library is not defined.
SystemAction: The operation fails.
User Response: Ensure that the LIBRARYparameter of the device class
associated with the mount operation identifies a defined library.If not, correct the
value of the LIBRARYparameter or define the specified library.
ANR8310E An I/O error occurred while accessing librarylibrary name.
Explanation: An I/O error occurs while accessing the designated library.
SystemAction: The operation fails.
User Response: Ensure that the DEVICE parameter associated with the library is
identified correctly in the DEFINE LIBRARYcommand, and that the library is
currently powered on and ready.If the library has an access door, make sure it is
closed.After checking and correcting these potential problems, retry the operation.
ANR8310E (AS/400)
An I/O error occurred while accessing librarylibrary name.
Explanation: An I/O error occurs while accessing the designated library.
SystemAction: The operation fails.
User Response: Ensure that the MLD parameter associated with the library is
identified correctly in the DEFINE LIBRARYcommand, and that the library is
currently powered on and ready.If the library has an access door, make sure it is
closed.After checking and correcting these potential problems, try the operation
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages