ANR8417E (AS/400)
Command: The parameter parameter is invalid for drives in library type
Explanation: The specified parameter is not allowed when defining or updating
drives in a library of the given type.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command and specify only valid parameters.
ANR8418E Command:An I/O error occurred while accessing library library name.
Explanation: An I/O error occurs while accessing the designated library.
SystemAction: The operation fails.
User Response: Ensurethat the DEVICE parameter associated with the library is
identified correctly in the DEFINE LIBRARYcommand, and that the library is
currently powered on and ready.If the library has an access door, make sure it is
closed.After checking and correcting these potential problems, retry the operation.
ANR8418E (AS/400)
Command:An I/O error occurred while accessing library library name.
Explanation: An I/O error occurs while accessing the designated library.
SystemAction: The operation fails.
User Response: Ensurethat the MLD parameter associated with the library is
identified correctly in the DEFINE LIBRARYcommand, and that the library is
currently powered on and ready.If the library has an access door, make sure it is
closed.After checking and correcting these potential problems, you can try the
operation again.
ANR8419E Command: The drive or element conflicts with an existing drive in library
library name.
Explanation: Either there are no more physical drives in the library,or the
specified ELEMENT parameter conflicts with an existing defined drive in the given
SystemAction: The command is not processed.
User Response: Specifya valid ELEMENT parameter that is not used by any
other drive in the library.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages