User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server.For details, issue HELP
MEMORYto display the information online or see “Appendix A. Allocating
Additional Server Memory”.
ANR3520E Command: Internal error encountered in accessing data storage.
Explanation: The server encounters an internal error in accessing data storage
while processing command command operation.
SystemAction: The command command operation is ended and server operation
User Response: Use the QUERYACTLOG command to examine messages prior
to this error to determine the cause of the data storage failure. If the failure can be
found and resolved, reissue the command command operation. If the failure cannot
be found, contact your service representative for assistance in resolving the problem.
ANR3521W BackupSet command: Data storage retrieve or restorefailed - data integrity
error detected.
Explanation: The server ends an backup set operation because an internal database
integrity error has been encountered on the server.
SystemAction: The server ends the backup set operation and continues operation.
User Response: Contact your service representative.
ANR3522W Command: Retrieve or restorefailed - file was deleted from data storage during
Explanation: The server ends a file retrieval operation for the specified command
because the file has been deleted from data storage by another process before
retrieval is complete.
SystemAction: The server ends the command and continues operation.
User Response: Contact your administrator to find out if DELETE FILESPACE,
DELETE VOLUME, or inventory expiration processes are running; these processes
can delete data storage files during retrieval. Reissue the command after these
processes have been completed or canceled.
ANR3523W Backup set command: Retrieve failed - error on input storage device.
Explanation: The server ends a backup set operation for the specified session
because an I/O error has been encountered by the server in reading from a device.
The object for which the I/O was issued is reported in a later message.
SystemAction: Backup set processing skips this file, and continues operation.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages