ANR1827E Eventlog command: No valid receiver specified.
Explanation: An event logging command has been entered, and no valid receivers
were specified.
SystemAction: The command is ignored.
User Response: Reissuethe command with the correct receiver.
ANR1828E Eventlog command: No valid event specified.
Explanation: An event logging command has been entered and no valid events or
event classes were specified.
SystemAction: The command is ignored.
User Response: Reissuethe command with the correct events or event classes.
ANR1829E Eventlog command: Server events may not be disabled for the activity log
Explanation: ADISABLE EVENT command has been entered for the activity log
SystemAction: The command is ignored for the activity log receiver.Any valid
receivers specified are processed.
User Response: Reissuethe command with the correct receiver.
ANR1830E receiverName receiveroptions not defined in the server options file.
Explanation: ABEGIN EVENTLOGGING command has been entered for a
receiver, but the required receiver options were not specified in the server options
SystemAction: Logging is not started for the specified receiver.
User Response: Enterthe receiver options in the server options file and restart the
ANR1831I Event logging of client events ended forACTLOG receiver.
Explanation: An END EVENTLOGGING command has been entered for the
activity log receiver.
SystemAction: The server no longer records client events in the activity log.
Server events continue to be recorded in the activity log.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7