ANR4555I Database backup process processID canceled.
Explanation: The database backup process was canceled by an administrator with
the CANCEL PROCESS command.
SystemAction: The database backup process is ended.
User Response: None.
ANR4556W Attention: the database backup operation did not free sufficient recovery log
space to lower utilization below the database backup trigger.The recovery log
size may need to be increased.
Explanation: Adatabase backup process has completed. The server is running in
roll-forward mode and the recovery log utilization remains above that specified in
the database backup trigger.
SystemAction: Adatabase backup operation will be triggered. Unless this
situation is corrected, database backups will be triggered rapidly,one after the other.
User Response: Ifa database backup operation does not free up enough recovery
log space to reset utilization below the database backup trigger, the recovery log
needs to be extended or the database backup trigger updated to a higher log full
ANR4560I Triggereddatabase backup will be retried in number of seconds seconds.
Explanation: Because of a problem encountered during a triggered database
backup, the current backup stops but will be retried after the time period shown.
SystemAction: The system waits for the specified period and then retries a
database backup.
User Response: Ifpossible, correct the condition that stopped the database backup.
If the problem persists, contact your service representative.
ANR4561I Triggereddatabase backup retry delay ended; checking database backup
trigger criteria.
Explanation: Because a triggered database backup had been stopped due to a
problem, the system waited before retrying. The retry wait period has ended, and the
system can now retry the database backup.
SystemAction: Database backup begins.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7