for the audit command, the audit function creates an entry using the default value in
the server database for the recovery plan file expiration days definitions.
SystemAction: Audit processing continues.
User Response: To override the default value, issue a SET
DRMRPFEXPIREDAYScommand to change the value after the audit command has
ANR6784I Number of volumes processed: number volumes processed.Volumes sent to
library library name for checkout: number volumes sent.
Explanation: The MOVE DRMEDIAcommand has processed the number of
volumes shown. Currently,the MOVE DRMEDIA command has sent for processing
the number of volumes shown to the library shown. This message may be displayed
in response to a QUERYPROCESS command for a MOVE DRMEDIA command.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR6785W Warning:The ADSM V3 Disaster Recovery Manager Disk Image Dump
function is not supported in the Tivoli Disaster Recovery Manager.The ADSM
V3 DRM Disk Image Restore function has been stabilized with no new
maintenance or hardware support planned.
Explanation: None.
SystemAction: DRM Disk Image Dump and Restore function continues.
User Response: None.
ANR6900I Command: The recovery plan file file name was created.
Explanation: The recovery plan file was created.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR6901I Number of plan stanzas processed: number.
Explanation: The PREPAREcommand has processed the number of stanzas
displayed. This message may be displayed in response to a QUERYPROCESS
command for a PREPAREcommand.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages