SystemAction: Server operation continues, but central scheduling is not
User Response: Issuethe QUERY OPTION command to determine if the option
DISABLESCHEDS YES has been specified in the server options file. If so,
scheduling can be enabled by updating the server options file with
DISABLESCHEDS NO and restarting the server.If DISABLESCHEDS YES was
not specfied in the server options file, determine the source of the error by
examining the QUERYACTLOG command to view the activity log and search for
messages.After the error has been resolved, restart the server to restore central
scheduler operations. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your
service representative.
ANR2571W Scheduled session from node node name (platform name) has been denied,
scheduled sessions are not currently available.
Explanation: The client scheduler for node node name attempts to connect with
the server, but is denied a session.All sessions that have been allocated for
scheduled operations are already in use.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Issuethe QUERY OPTION command to determine if the option
DISABLESCHEDS YES has been specified in the server options file. If so,
scheduling can be enabled by updating the server options file with
DISABLESCHEDS NO and restarting the server.If DISABLESCHEDS YES was
not specfied in the server options file, change the total number of sessions by
altering the MAXSESSIONS parameter in the server options file and then restarting
the server.The percentage of sessions that are available for scheduled operations can
be increased by using the SET MAXSCHEDSESSIONS command.
ANR2572W Schedule prompter session to node node name has been denied, scheduled
sessions are not currently available.
Explanation: The server attempts to prompt the client scheduler for node node
name, but all sessions that have been allocated for scheduled operations are already
in use.
SystemAction: The server continues to attempt contact with the client scheduler
until the startup window for the scheduled event has elapsed.
User Response: To change the total number of sessions, alter the MAXSESSIONS
parameter in the server options file and then restart the server.The percentage of
sessions that are available for scheduled operations can be increased by using the
Version 3 Release 7