User Response: Supply the volume with the proper sequence number.The volume
history file can help you choose the correct volume.
ANR1369E Input volume volume name contains Version1 dump.
Explanation: During a sequential data operation, the volume specified has been
mounted but appears to contain a version 1 data base dump.
SystemAction: The volume is not used. The operation is terminated.
User Response: Make sure you specified the correct volume for the operation.A
Version1 database dump may not be loaded into a Version 2 server. The Version1
database dump must only be loaded into a Version1 server.
ANR1370E Insufficient number of mount points available in device class device class name.
Explanation: During IMPORTor EXPORT processing, the server cannot allocate
sufficient mount points for the device class specified. The device class associated
with the EXPORTor IMPORT drive only has a mount limit of one. The operation
needs to read or write file data from or to the same device class because file data is
being imported or exported.
SystemAction: The IMPORT or EXPORT command is ended and server operation
User Response: Make more mount points available.
ANR1400W Mount request denied for volume volume name - mount canceled.
Explanation: The volume shown cannot be mounted because the mount request
has been canceled.
SystemAction: The volume is not mounted.
User Response: None.
ANR1401W Mount request denied for volume volume name - mount failed.
Explanation: The volume shown cannot be mounted because the mount request
cannot be completed successfully.Possible reasons include, an error in device
specifications to the server or the mount request timed out.
SystemAction: The volume is not mounted.
User Response: If the device specifications (DEFINE DEVCLASS and so forth)
are in error, correct them and reissue the command that requested the volume to be
Version 3 Release 7