ANR8235W (Windows NT)
Requested number of NETBIOS sessions are not available on adapternetwork
adapter number, proceeding with available sessions.
Explanation: The server cannot acquire the requested number of NETBIOS
sessions for the indicated adapter.The server attempts to acquire the number of
NETBIOS sessions as indicated by the NETBIOSSESSIONS parameter of the server
options file or, if this option is not specified, by the MAXSESSIONS option.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the maximum number of
NETBIOS sessions is limited to the number of sessions that are acquired.
User Response: Ensurethat the required number of NETBIOS resources are not
already in use. If the LAN Server or LAN Requester application is running, you
have NETBIOS configured. In that case, starting the server prior to starting LAN
Server or LAN Requester may allow the server to obtain the requested NETBIOS
ANR8236W (AIX)Failure while listening for NETBIOS sessions on adapter network adapter
number, NETBIOS listen return code = listen returncode.
Explanation: The server cannot listen for NETBIOS sessions on the indicated
adapter.The indicated listen return code has been received from the NetBIOS listen
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but no additional NETBIOS sessions
will start using the indicated adapter until the problem is corrected and the server is
User Response: ANETBIOS listen failure is an indication of a network problem,
an adapter problem, or a NETBIOS configuration problem. The following system
configuration and system environment listen return codes (in hex) and resolution
actions for a listen failure are found in the LAN TechnicalReference IEEE 802.2
Return Code Description
11 Local session table full. The maximum number of sessions is in use.
Change NETBIOS configuration to increase maximum number of
19 Name conflict. Ensure that the Server NETBIOS name is not in use
elsewhere on the network.
22 Too many commands pending.The maximum number of sessions is
in use. Change NETBIOS configuration to increase the maximum
number of sessions.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
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