ANS1876E Unable to connect to target service. NetWareSMS return code = value.
Explanation: Unexpected return code value.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Seeyour service representative.
ANS1877E The name is too long for TSM to process.
Explanation: The name was being parsed. The parsing routine detected that TSM
cannot process it.
SystemAction: TSM canceled the current operation.
User Response: Seeyour service representative if this error persists.
ANS1879E NetWareNDS error on restore processing: **object ’nds_objectnds_object’
**TSAerror ’tsa_error’, tsa_error_text
Explanation: TSM received an unexpected error from the Novell TSAinterface.
SystemAction: Object skipped.
User Response: Report the program error to your service representative.
ANS1880E TSAConnect error, NWSMConnectToTargetService ’TSA_Target_Service’
password file ’password_file’. Userid = ’NetWare_userid’failed with cc =
Explanation: TSM received an unexpected error from the Novell TSAinterface
while processing the userid and password from NWPWFILE.
SystemAction: If the failure is a 'Login Denied' the user will be prompted for a
Novell NetWareUserid and Password, and a password file will be created.
User Response: The cc is returned from the TSA which belongs to Novell
NetWare.If you get cc = FFFDFFD7 'Login Denied', please check the following:
The user-id has been disabled.
The user-id/password is invalid or expired.
The user-id has inadequate security access.
The user-id has insufficent rights to files and directorys.
The user-id specified has a login restriction based on time-0f-day.
The user-id specified has a Network address restriction.
The user-id specified has a login restriction based on number of concurrent
NetWareis not allowing logins (DISABLE LOGIN was issued at the console).
If you are unable to determine what is wrong, report the problem to your service
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
8. Command–Line Client