ANR8338E (AS/400)
Device type volume volume name cannot be overwritten by operation operation.
Explanation: The specified volume already exists or contains data so that the
server cannot allow new data to be written to it.
SystemAction: The server detects that the given volume already contains some
data that would be overwritten by the requested operation.
User Response: Ifthe specified volume does not contain any valuable data, delete
it and try the given operation again.
ANR8339E Device type volume intended volume name in drive drive name was replaced with
volume incorrect volume name.
Explanation: The server detects that a previously mounted and verified volume
(the desired volume) has been replaced with a different volume (the incorrect
volume). No further read or write operations, or both, can occur on the given drive,
because data corruption may occur.
SystemAction: The server dismounts the volume from the drive.
User Response: Mountthe correct volume again if it is in a manual library and
retry the operation.
ANR8339E (AS/400)
Device type volume intended volume name in drive drive name was replaced with
volume incorrect volume name.
Explanation: The server detects that a previously mounted and verified volume
(the intended volume) has been replaced with a different volume (the incorrect
volume). No further read or write operations, or both, can occur on the given drive
because data corruption may occur.
SystemAction: The server dismounts the volume from the drive.
User Response: None.
ANR8340I Device type volume volume name mounted.
Explanation: The server has mounted the given volume.
SystemAction: Read or write operations, or both, will commence for the volume.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7