ANR0788E Import command: Error error code during import of data storage data.
Explanation: The server import process encounters an internal data storage error.
The error code error code is encountered.
SystemAction: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Examinethe server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error.Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved,
contact your service representative.
ANR0789E Import command: Failure in normalizing transaction identifier forsending to the
Explanation: The server import process encounters an internal database transaction
error in importing information into the server database.
SystemAction: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Examinethe server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error.Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved,
contact your service representative.
ANR0790E Import command: Error in absorbing data records.
Explanation: The server import process encounters an internal error in importing
information into the server database.
SystemAction: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
User Response: Examinethe server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error.Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved,
contact your service representative.
ANR0791E Export/import command: Protocol error- verb verb typewith length verb length
received, expected expected type.
Explanation: The server export or import process encounters an internal protocol
error in exporting information from or importing information into the server
database. The verb verb type is encountered with a length of verb length when a
verb type of expected type was expected.
SystemAction: The export or import process ends and server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7