SystemAction: TSM does not change the value.
User Response: Correctthe invalid input value.
ANS9142W program-name:file-spec: high threshold(value) less than low threshold (value)
for file-system.
Explanation: TSM detects that high and low thresholds specified for the file
system are invalid values. The high threshold must be greater than or equal to the
low threshold.
SystemAction: TSM logs the condition and stops.
User Response: Entervalid values for the high and low thresholds.
ANS9143W program-name:file-spec: invalid premigrationpercentage (value) for file-system,
range 0..100.
Explanation: TSM detects an invalid premigration percentage value for the file
SystemAction: TSM logs condition and stops.
User Response: Entera valid value for the premigration percentage.
ANS9144W program-name:file-spec: invalid high threshold(value) for file-system, range
Explanation: TSM detects an invalid high threshold value for the file system.
SystemAction: TSM logs the condition and stops.
User Response: Enter a valid value for the high threshold.
ANS9145W program-name:file-spec: invalid low threshold(value) for file-system, range
Explanation: TSM detects an invalid low threshold value for the file system.
SystemAction: TSM logs the condition and stops.
User Response: Enter a valid value for the low threshold.
ANS9146E program-name:file-spec: expecting value field(s) in line line-number, found value
Explanation: TSM detects too many or too few fields in an entry in the
dsmmigfstab file.
SystemAction: TSM cannot complete the requested operation.
Version 3 Release 7