User Response: See your system administrator.
ANS5145W Server cannot restart the last restorerequest. Do you want to restore without
Explanation: The restart restore token has expired. The server cannot restart the
restore from where it last ended.
SystemAction: Processing stopped; waiting for user intervention.
User Response: Retry the request without restart or abort the request.
ANS5146W Youcannot perform this operation while accessing data for another node. Do
you wish to switch back to accessing your own node?
Explanation: The user cannot perform the selected operation while accessing
another users data.
SystemAction: Processing stopped; waiting for user intervention.
User Response: Answer Yesto switch back to accessing the server as the
original node.
ANS5148W The server needs to do a one-time conversion of your archive data beforeyou
can continue. This operation may take a long time, and cannot be canceled
once it has started.Are you willing to wait for the conversion to complete?
Explanation: The server must do a conversion of the archive data before
continuing. The conversion could take a long time, and cannot be canceled once it
is started.
SystemAction: Processing stopped; waiting for user intervention.
User Response: Answer “Yes”to start the archive data conversion. If you answer
“No”, the current operation will be canceled.
ANS5149W The archive description you specified is not unique. Please enter a unique
archive description.
Explanation: Descriptions for archive files must be unique per archive operation.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Enter an archive description that is unique.
ANS5150E An active restore for the same sourcefile specification exists. Unable to
continue with this request.
Explanation: Currently,there is an active restore for the same source file
specification.Another restore of the same source file specification cannot be started.
SystemAction: The requested restore fails.
User Response: Start another restore with a different source file specification.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
11. Graphical User
Interface Client