3. Decrease the amount of space allocated to the server’s database buffer pool. To
do this, edit the server options file and reduce the value specified for the
BUFPOOLSIZE statement. Note that each buffer pool page causes an additional
4 KB of memory to be allocated.
Note that the server must be shut down (with the HALTcommand) before changes
can be made to the server options file.
ANR5131I (S/390)APPC driver terminated as requested.
Explanation: The server’sAPPC communications driver is reporting that it is
terminating as requested.
SystemAction: Server operation continues with support for the SNALU6.2
COMMmethod disabled.
User Response: None.
ANR5132W (S/390)
VTAMAPPC (LU62) support is not available with current session.
Explanation: The server’s VTAMAPPC (LU6.2) communications driver is not
available. Clients that use the SNALU6.2 communications method cannot establish a
session with the server.Refer to ANR5071W, which was displayed prior to this
message, for additional information. If the SNALU6.2 communication method is not
used, ignore this message and messageANR5071W.
SystemAction: Server operation continues without support for the SNALU6.2
User Response: Verify that the server application is defined correctly to VTAM.
APPC=YES must be specified with the VTAMAPPL macro when defining the
server application when SNALU6.2 support is used.
ANR5133W (S/390)
VTAMAPPC (LU62) connect request rejected.
Explanation: Aclient’s VTAM APPC (LU6.2) connect request was rejected
because the LU6.2 communications driver is not available. This process may be the
result of the server application not being defined correctly to VTAM.The
application must be defined withAPPC=YES with the APPL macro to enable
SNALU6.2 support on the server.
SystemAction: VTAMmessage IST663I and other related messages are
displayed; server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7