User Response:
1. Remove COMMMETHOD HTTPS from your option file.
2. Install and configure the web proxy.See Quick Start Appendices for more
information on how to install and configure the web proxy.
ANR4709W Intervention required to mount volume VolumeName on Library Manager
Server Server Name.
Explanation: Avolume mount is awaiting operator intervention on the specified
library manager server.
SystemAction: The volume mount operation waits for operator intervention.
User Response: Refer to the server consol and/ir activity log on the named library
manaer server to determine the action that needs to be performed to complete the
mount operation.
ANR4710W Library manager Server Name could not be contacted to control library Library
Explanation: The specified library manager server could not be contacted for
control of the named library.
SystemAction: The server will continue to contact the named library manager
server.Volume mounts in the library will fail until communication is successful.
User Response: Determine why the named server is not running or why the
network prevents communication with te named server.
ANR4712E Command: The DEVCLASS parameter is only valid for volume history types
Explanation: The command failed because an invalid volume history type was
specified for the TYPE= parameter.
SystemAction: The command fails, and server operation continues.
User Response: Re-issue the command and specify a valid type value.
ANR4980I Auditing Interface Driver definitions.
Explanation: The server is beginning an audit of the definitions for Webinterface.
SystemAction: The server will audit all definitions for the Webinterface and
report any problems.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7