import The process of copying exported administrator definitions, client node definitions,
policy definitions, server control information or file data from external media to a
target server.
import/export facility
The facility that allows system administrators to copy definitions and file data from
a source server to external media to move or copy information between servers.A
subset of information can be imported to a target server from the external media.
inactive version
Abackup version of a file for which a more recently backed-up version exists.
Inactive backup versions are eligible for expiration processing according to the
management class assigned to the file. Contrast with active version.
include-exclude file
On UNIX clients, a file containing statements that TSM uses to determine whether
to back up or migrate certain files, and to determine the associated management
classes to use for backup, archive, and space management. See include-exclude list.
include-exclude list
Agroup of include and exclude option statements in a file. TSM uses the statements
to determine whether to back up or migrate certain files, and to determine the
associated management classes to use for backup, archive, and space management.
The exclude options identify files that should not be backed up or migrated off the
client node. The include options identify files that are exempt from the exclusion
rules, or assign a management class to a file or group of files for backup, archive,
or space management services. The include-exclude list is defined either in the
include-exclude file (for UNIX clients) or in the client options file (for other
incremental backup
(1)A function that allows users to back up files or directories that are new or have
changed since the last incremental backup. Withthis function, users can back up
files or directories from a client domain that are not excluded in the include-exclude
list and that meet the requirements for frequency,mode, and serialization as defined
in the backup copy group of the management class assigned to the files. Contrast
with selective backup. (2)A function of TSM that copies only the pages in the
database that are new or changed since the last full or incremental backup of the
database. Contrast with full backup. See database backup series.
internal mounting facility
On a VM server,a VM facility that allows the server to request tape mounts by
sending a message to a mount operator.The message is repeated until the tape is
mounted or until the mount wait time is exceeded.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages