SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Verify that the dscameng.txt file is in the directory pointed to by
DSMI_DIR. ForAIX, verify that the file has a symbolic link to
/usr/lib/nls/msg/<locale>/ .
ANS0316E Unable to use message text file.
Explanation: The system is unable to use the message text file (dscameng.txt or forAIX) because of an invalid header. On the AS/400 platform this
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Installthe message text file again.
ANS0317E Unable to use message text file.
Explanation: The system is unable to use the message txt file (dscameng.txt or forAIX) because of an invalid control record. On the AS/400
platform this file is QANSAPI/QAANSAMENG(TXT).
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Installthe message text file again.
ANS0318E Invalid value for DATEFORMATspecified.
Explanation: An invalid value is specified for DATEFORMAT.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Specifya valid value.
ANS0319E Invalid value for TIMEFORMATspecified.
Explanation: An invalid value is specified for TIMEFORMAT.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Specifya valid value.
ANS0320E Invalid value for NUMBERFORMATspecified.
Explanation: An invalid value is specified for NUMBERFORMAT.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Specifya valid value.
ANS0321E msg parameter for dsmRCMsg is a NULLpointer.
Explanation: The message parameter for dsmRCMsg is a NULL pointer.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Allocateenough space for the message parameter.
ANS0322E no text available for this return code.
Explanation: The dsmRC parameter for dsmRCMsg is an unsupported return
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
6. Application Program