ANR1415W Volumevolume name access mode is ″destroyed″.
Explanation: At server startup, the status of the indicated volume is destroyed.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR1416W Volumevolume name access mode is ″offsite″.
Explanation: At server startup, the status of the indicated volume is offsite.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR1417W Access mode for volume volume name now set to ″read-only″due to excessive
read error.
Explanation: Because of an numerous read errors on the volume shown, the status
of the volume has been set to read-only.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: UseQUERYVOLUME FORMAT=DETAILED for the volume to
view the access mode and number of read errors. Youmay want to use the MOVE
DATAcommand to move the retrievable data from this volume to another volume.
For the damaged files, use the RESTORE VOLUME command to restore a readable
copy of the file to the storage pool.
ANR1420W Read access denied for volume volume name - volume access mode =
Explanation: An attempt to access the named volume for reading fails because the
volume status is unavailable.
SystemAction: The volume is not used for read access.
User Response: None.
ANR1421W Read access denied for volume volume name - volume offline.
Explanation: An attempt to access the named volume for reading failed because
the volume is offline.
SystemAction: The volume is not used.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages