User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server.There are two ways to
do this:
Increase the size of the server’s virtual machine (for VM), or region size (for
MVS). ForAIX, ensure that there is sufficient paging space. You may also use
SMIT to determine if the number of applications is causing a memory shortage.
For OS/2, ensure that there is sufficient space for the OS/2 SWAPPER.DATfile.
Check your CONFIG.SYS for the SWAPPATH statement to determine where
your SWAPPER.DATfile is located and then determine how much space is left
on the drive.
Decrease the amount of space allocated to the server’s database or log buffer
pool. Todo this, update the value of the BUFPOOLSIZE or LOGPOOLSIZE
parameters in the server options file and restart the server.Note that each page
causes an additional 4K page to be allocated for the specified buffer pool.
Reducing the pool sizes requires more I/O to service the same amount of data;
some performance degradation may result.
ANR4011W Dumpcommand: Database page page number is invalid - it will be skipped.
Explanation: The specified page is invalid, and it will not be used during dump
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR4012W Dump command: Database page page number is damaged.
Explanation: The specified database page is damaged; it will not be dumped.
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR4013I Dump command: Dumped number of entries database entries (cumulative).
Explanation: This message indicates the number of database entries that have
been dumped so far during database dump processing.
SystemAction: Server processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR4014E Load command: The specified input volume does not contain a server database
Explanation: The specified volume does not contain a dump created from the
database dump command.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages