ANR4514E Sufficient database space is not available for the server while processing
sequential volume history information.
Explanation: While attempting to process sequential volume history information,
the server found that sufficient database space was not available for updates.
SystemAction: The operation fails. Usage for a sequential volume was not
properly recorded for later reference.
User Response: To increase the amount of database space available to the server,
an authorized administrator can add database volumes by using the DEFINE
DBVOLUME command, and extend the size of the database by using the EXTEND
DB command.
ANR4515E Sufficient recovery log space is not available for the server while processing
sequential volume history information.
Explanation: While attempting to process sequential volume history information,
the server finds that sufficient recovery log space is not available for updates.
SystemAction: The operation fails. Usage for a sequential volume was not
properly recorded for later reference.
User Response: To increase the amount of database space available to the server,
an authorized administrator can add database volumes by using the DEFINE
LOGVOLUME command, and extend the size of the database by using the
EXTEND LOG command.
ANR4516E Server could not read sequential volume history information from any defined
Explanation: While attempting to read sequential volume history information from
defined history files, the server finds that it cannot open any of the files defined in
the server options file.
SystemAction: The server does not read volume history information. If the
current server task requires this information, the task ends.
User Response: Examineerror messages that may have been displayed prior to
this message and correct any problems, if possible. Make sure that the server has
proper authority to read from the defined volume history files. If you are doing a
database restore, issue RESTORE DB DEVCLASS=VOL.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages