SystemAction: When LABELSOURCE=BARCODE is specified on the LABEL
LIBVOLUME command, volumes without a barcode cannot be labelled.
User Response: Examinethe cartridge to ensure it has a barcode label and that it
is compatible with the barcode reader.Not all vendors’ labels are readable by all
libraries. Check that the barcode reader is configured and is functioning properly,if
ANR8814I Remove volume Volumename from slot element Slot element number of library
Library name.
Explanation: LABEL LIBVOLUME has ended for the specified volume and that
volume must be removed from the library because either it was not checked in or
there was an error.
SystemAction: The server continues normal operation.
User Response: Removethe specified volume from the library.
ANR8815I Remove volume Volumename from port element Port element number of library
Library name.
Explanation: LABEL LIBVOLUME has ended for the specified volume and that
volume must be removed from the library because either it was not checked in or
there was an error.
SystemAction: The server continues normal operation.
User Response: Removethe specified volume from the library.
ANR8816E command: VolumeVolume name in library Library name cannot be labelled
because it is currently defined in a storage pool or in the volume history file.
Explanation: During command command processing, a volume cannot be used
because there is a storage pool volume defined or a volume in the volume history
file with this volume name. Such a volme may still contain valid data.Applying the
volume name to the cartridge can overwrite data and or cause library inventory
corruption. If the volume is in the volume history file, it is has previously used by
an export, database dump, or database backup operation (as recorded in the volume
SystemAction: If the SEARCH=YES option was specified, the current volume is
skipped and command processing continues with the next volume found. If
SEARCH=NO was specified, command processing terminates.
User Response: Ifthe volume is present in an automated library, it should either
be removed or checked into the library’s inventory in the PRIVATEcategory.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages