ANR0488W Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated -
transfer rate is less than (transfer rate) and more than (elapsed time since first
data transfer) minutes have elapsed since first data transfer.
Explanation: The server is canceling client session number session number.
Depending on the state of the session, it may take a while for the session to be
canceled. The server ends a client session because it has been active for more
minutes than specified in the THROUGHPUTTIMETHRESHOLD parameter in the
server options file and the data transfer rate is less than the amount sepcified with
the THROUGHPUTDATATHRESHOLD parameter in the server options file. The
client is transferring data to the server at an abnormally slow rate and may have
become a bottleneck for handling data from other clients. If the client has caused
log records to be written, it is possible that this client will prevent log space
SystemAction: The session is canceled and server operation continues.
User Response: Ifa low data transfer rate is not a problem, the
parameters in the server options file can be set to zero - this will disable the
throughput check. The change can be made without taking down the server and
restarting it by using the SETOPT THROUGHPUTTIMETHRESHOLD or the
SETOPT THROUGHPUTDATATHRESHOLD commands. If a low data transfer rate
is not expected, external causes should be investigated. This would include network
problems and problems in accessing data on the client node. The client program
may automatically reconnect to the server, so this message may appear on
susbsequent sessions until the data transfer problem is resolved. The default server
operation is not to perform a throughput check.
ANR0490I Canceling session session number for node node name (client platform).
Explanation: The server is canceling client session number session number. This
message is displayed in response to the CANCEL SESSION command. Depending
on the state of the session, it may take a while for the session to be canceled.
SystemAction: The session is canceled and server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR0491I No matching session(s) found to cancel.
Explanation: The server cannot find any sessions to cancel matching the
specifications entered in the CANCEL SESSION command.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7