ANR0453W Server to server session refused - no password defined.
Explanation: The server to server session cannot be initiated because no server
password has been defined for this server.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Definea server password with the SET SERVERPASSWORD
command and retry the command.
ANR0454E Session rejected by server server name, reason:rejection reason.
Explanation: The server has attempted to open a session with the shown server.
The session was rejected for the indicated reason.
SystemAction: The operation fails.
User Response: Checkboth the servers for any additional messages that might
further describe the reason the session was rejected. For a reason of
AUTHENTICATIONFAILURE, ensure that all passwords have been set correctly
on both servers. The password for the server (set by SET SERVERPASSWORDon
server X) and the password in the server definition (set by DEFINE or UPDATE
SERVERX SERVERPASSWORD=) are the same password. For a reason of
VERIFICATIONFAILURE, use the QUERY SERVER command to determine that
the HLADDRESS and LLADDRESS of the target server are correct. If they are not,
correct them with the UPDATESERVER command. If they are correct,
resyncronize with the target server by issuing the UPDATESERVER
the target server is available and that TCPIPis available on both servers. For a
reason of NO RESOURCE, ensure that the receiving server is enabled, has
sufficient DB, LOG, and memory resource to support the source server session. For
a reason of INTERNAL ERROR, use the messages on the targetserver to determine
the problem and contact your service representative. Retry the failing operation.
ANR0455W Invalid Command command name for SNMP session.
Explanation: An SNMP administrative session attempted to run a command which
is not an macro invocation. SNMP administrative sessions are only allowed to issue
macro commands.
SystemAction: The server ends the client session.
User Response: Entercommands through the SNMP administrative interface
which are macros defined on the server.
Version 3 Release 7