ANR0805I Delete Filespace filespace name canceled for node node name:number of objects
objects deleted.
Explanation: Abackground server process that has been deleting file space data
for the indicated node is canceled by the CANCEL PROCESS command.The
number of objects deleted before the cancel ended the operation are reported in the
SystemAction: The server process is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: Noaction is required. An authorized administrator can issue the
DELETE FILESPACEcommand to delete remaining objects in the file space.
ANR0806I Delete Filespace filespace name complete for node node name:number of objects
objects deleted.
Explanation: Aserver process deleting file space data for the node specified has
completed. The total number of objects deleted is reported in the message.
SystemAction: The server process is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR0811I Inventory client file expiration started as process processID.
Explanation: The server has started roll-off processing to remove expired client
backup and archive file copies, based on the management class policy that is bound
to the files. The copy group retention and version parameters for each file’scopy
group are used by the server to determine if copies are to be deleted from the
server.The expiration process was started as process number process ID, and may
be queried or canceled with the QUERYPROCESS or CANCEL PROCESS
commands, respectively.
SystemAction: The expiration process is now cancellable. Server operation
User Response: None.
ANR0812I Inventory file expiration process processID completed: examined number of
objects objects, deleting number of backup objects backup objects, number of
archive objects archiveobjects, number of DB backup volumes DB backup
volumes, and number of recovery plan files recoveryplan files. error count errors
were encountered.
Explanation: Server roll-off processing has completed. The number of client
objects examined and deleted, based on management class policy,are displayed in
the message.A total error count is also displayed. The number of DB backup
volumes deleted is based on the value specified on the SET
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages