ANR8267W (AIX)Error sending data on session session number. Reason return code.
Explanation: The server experiences an error return code from NetBIOS while
sending data on the indicated session. This may be a normal event if either side of
the connection is abruptly ended.
SystemAction: The session is ended. Server operation continues.
User Response: Ifthe session is ended as a result of intentionally stopping either
the client or server, no response is required. Otherwise, ensure that NetBIOS is
ANR8267W (Windows NT)
Error initializing a security descriptor forNamed Pipes Named Pipes name,
reason: System message.
Explanation: The server experiences an error return code when trying to initialize
the indicated Named Pipe for Named Pipes communication with a client. The reason
shown is returned by the WindowsNT FormatMessage API.
SystemAction: The session is ended. Server operation continues. Named Pipes
communications is inoperative.
User Response: AdministratorPrivileges are required. Login using an account
withAdministrator privileges and restart the server to reenable Named Pipes
ANR8268W (AS/400)
AS/400 TapeManagement Exit Program unavailable.
Explanation: Based onADSM library and device definitions, the server has
attempted to use theAS/400 Tape Management Exit Program,
QIBM_QTA_TAPE_TMS.The exit program is either in use or not installed. The
exit program may be in use by a tape management system.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The server issues additional error
messages when this condition prevents it from completing an operation.
User Response: Ensurethat the ADSM library and device definitions are correct.
If a tape management system is available, it is possible that theADSM definitions
may be changed to use it. If the exit program is not installed, evaluate your system
hardware to determine if the exit must be obtained for use byADSM. The AS/400
TapeManagement Exit Program is part of the Media and Storage Extensions (MSE)
feature of OS/400.Additional information about this exit program is available in
System API Reference, SC41-3801.
Version 3 Release 7