ANR6913W Command: No volumes with backup data exist in copy storage pool storage pool
Explanation: Acopy storage pool does not contain any volumes with usable data.
SystemAction: Stanzas in the recovery plan do not include recovery information
for any volumes in the storage pool.
User Response: Determinewhy this storage pool has no volumes with usable data.
ANR6915W Command: Storage pool storage pool name storage pool type is not defined to the
Explanation: Astorage pool that is not defined to the server was specified by SET
SystemAction: Stanzas in the recovery plan do not include recovery information
for the storage pool.
User Response: Correctthe storage pool specification or define the storage pool to
the server.
ANR6916W Command: No copy storage pools are defined.
Explanation: The server has no copy storage pools defined.
SystemAction: Recovery plan file will not contain copy storage pool information.
User Response: Definecopy storage pools in the server.
ANR6918W Command: Recovery instructions file file name not found.
Explanation: Asource file for recovery instructions was not found.
SystemAction: The recovery plan will not contain recovery instructions.
User Response: To get recovery instructions in the recovery plan, ensure the
corresponding instructions source file exists. If it does, check authorizations to the
ANR6920W Command: Generated replacement volume name volume name is not valid for
server device type device type. Original volume name: volume name. Stanza is
stanza name.
Explanation: Appending the replacement volume name postfix (as defined with
SET DRMPLANVPOSTFIX) to the original volume name has created a name that
is not valid for the server device type shown.
SystemAction: Replacement volume name is used in the recovery plan stanza.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages