User Response: Use the server supplied sample makefile and export files to
compile-link the user-exit module. Make sure the export.ref file contains the
server-defined function name, and the module actually contains the server-defined
function name, with one void parameter declared.
ANR8677E (S/390)Theuser-exit module loaded does not match with type specified in options file.
Explanation: The server was able to load a module, but the type of the module
did not match the type specified in the server options file
SystemAction: Server initialization stops or server continues running if already
up. The module is unloaded.
User Response: Check the user-exit module compilation type. Make sure it
matches with what is specified in the options file. Only C,Assembler, and PLI
compiled modules are supported.
ANR8677E (Solaris)
User specified module, with environment variable DSMSERV_DIR:Cannot load
into server,system errno = Error number generated by Solaris.
Explanation: The server was unable to load the module specified. The module is
not a properly C-compiled and linked dynamic module.
SystemAction: Server continues running.
User Response: Use the server supplied sample makefile, c , and h files to
generate the user-exit module. Make sure the module contains server-defined
function name adsmV3UserExit, and the module actually contains the server-defined
function name, with one void * parameter declared, and returns void.
ANR8677E (Windows NT)
User specified module, with path within registry: Cannot load into server,system
errno = Error number generated by NT.
Explanation: The server was unable to load the module specified. The module is
not a properly C-compiled and linked dynamic module.
SystemAction: Server continues running.
User Response: Use the server supplied sample makefile compile-link the user-exit
ANR8678E (AIX) Cannot bind User specified module, with environment variable DSMSERV_DIR
into server,system errno = Error number generated by AIX.
Explanation: The server was unable to bind with the module specified.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages