User Response: Examine error messages that may have been displayed prior to
this message and correct any problems, if possible. Make sure that there is sufficient
space in the file system for the file. Reissue the command after determining the
cause of the error.
ANR6954E Command: Unable to open file ’file name’ for output.
Explanation: An error occurred while opening the recovery plan file for output.
SystemAction: The recovery plan file was not created.
User Response: Examine error messages that may have been displayed prior to
this message and correct any problems, if possible. Make sure that the server has
proper authority to write to the file indicated. Reissue the command after
determining the cause of the error.
ANR6959E Command: Plan instructions prefix ’instructions prefix’is not valid.
Explanation: The prefix specified for recovery instructions is not valid.
SystemAction: The recovery plan file was not created.
User Response: Reissue the command specifying a valid prefix.
ANR6960E Command: Recovery plan prefix ’plan prefix’is not valid.
Explanation: The prefix specified for the recovery plan file is too long.
SystemAction: The recovery plan file was not created.
User Response: Reissue the command specifying a valid prefix.
ANR6962E Command: Query database failed.
Explanation: Aserver database query error occurred. This message always
accompanies another error message and provides more detail about that error.
SystemAction: The recovery plan file was not created.
User Response: Issue a QUERYACTLOG command to view the activity log and
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your
service representative.
ANR6963E Command: Query log failed.
Explanation: Aserver database query error occurred. This message always
accompanies another error message and provides more detail about that error.
SystemAction: The recovery plan file was not created.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages