User Response: Examine the activity log of both the managed server and the
configuration manager for other messages that may explain why the configuration
refresh failed. The refresh will attempted again by the managed server when its
configuration refresh interval is reached.
ANR3157I Configuration refresh started for managed serverserver name.
Explanation: Configuration refresh processing has started.A server-to-server
session was opened by the managed server to receive configuration information
from the configuration manager.Updates will be sent for objects associated with
any subscribed-to profiles.
SystemAction: Refresh processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR3158I Configuration refresh ended successfully for managed serverserver name.
Explanation: Configuration refresh processing ended successfully.All updates
have been made to managed objects associated with any subscribed-to profiles on
the managed server.
SystemAction: Server processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR3159E Managedserver server name has newer version for profile profile name.
Explanation: While sending configuration information to the specified managed
server, it has been detected that the managed server has a newer version of
configuration information for the specified profile than does the configuration
manager.This condition can happen if the configuration manager’s database has
been restored to an earlier point in time.Another possibility is that the profile was
deleted on the configuration manager and a new profile by the same name was
SystemAction: Server operation continues. No configuration information for this
profile will be sent to the managed server until this condition is corrected.
User Response: Before correcting the situation, you may want to use QUERY
PROFILE to examine the profile associations defined on both the configuration
manager and the managed server.To correct the situation, on the managed server
delete the subscription to the profile and define the subscription again. This will
cause the managed server to be refreshed at the configuration manager’s current
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages