SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the REGISTER NODE command
User Response: Usethe QUERY LICENSE command to determine the license
terms that are no longer in compliance. Remove nodes or purchase additional client
node connections.After these actions have been taken, reissue the AUDIT
LICENSES command to resynchronize the server configuration with license terms.
ANR2836I Command: License audit started as process processID.
Explanation: Abackground process has been started to audit the server for license
SystemAction: The server checks registered nodes for the server and compares
this against the value for which the server is licensed.
User Response: Theadministrator may query the status of the background process
using the QUERYPROCESS command, or cancel the process with the CANCEL
PROCESS command.
ANR2839I Automatic license audit started as process processID.
Explanation: Abackground process has been started to audit the server for license
SystemAction: The server checks registered nodes and compares them against the
value for which the server is licensed.
User Response: Theadministrator may query the status of the background process
by using the QUERYPROCESS command.
ANR2841W Server is NOT IN COMPLIANCE with license terms.
Explanation: This message is issued periodically when the server configuration
does not comply with the terms for which it is licensed.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Usethe QUERY LICENSE command to display the current server
configuration with respect to licensed terms to discover which factors of the
configuration do not conform to your license. Contact your service representative to
obtain more licenses, if required.
ANR2852I Current license information:
Explanation: This message is issued during a REGISTER LICENSE command to
display the current licensing information for the server before the new license has
been interpreted by the command. Messages appearing after this message display
the factors under which the server is currently licensed.
Version 3 Release 7