ANR1595E Command: Policy set set name is not defined in policy domain domain name.
Explanation: Server processing for the command command fails because the
policy set name set name specified does not refer to a defined set in policy domain
domain name in the server database.
SystemAction: Database changes for the command are rolled back and server
operation continues. The command is not successful in changing the server database.
User Response: Reissuethe command specifying a policy set name that is defined
in the policy domain. For a list of the names of defined policy sets in the policy
domain, issue the QUERYPOLICYSET command.
ANR1596E Command: Policy set set name is already defined in policy domain domain name.
Explanation: Server processing for the command command fails because the
policy set name set name specified refers to a policy set that is already defined in
policy domain domain name.
SystemAction: Database changes for the command are rolled back and server
operation continues. The command is not successful in changing the server database.
User Response: Reissuethe command specifying a policy set name that is not
defined in the policy domain. For a list of the names of defined policy sets in the
policy domain, issue the QUERYPOLICYSET command.
ANR1597E policy set command: Policy set set name in domain domain name still contains at
least one management class.
Explanation: The policy set command failed because the set still contains at least
one management class definition.
SystemAction: The command fails and server operation continues.
User Response: Removethe remaining management classes from the policy set
and reissue the command.
ANR1598E Command: No default management class has been assigned for policy set set
name in domain domain name.
Explanation: Server processing for the command command fails because the
policy set set name in policy domain domain name does not have a default
management class assigned.
SystemAction: Database changes for the command are rolled back and server
operation continues. The command is not successful in changing the server database.
User Response: To assign a default management class in the policy set, issue the
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages