Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking
An extension to the LU6.2 peer orientation for end-user services. See SNA LU6.2
and Systems Network Architecture.
Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC)
An implementation of the SNA/SDLC LU6.2 protocol that allows interconnected
systems to communicate and share the processing of programs. See SNA LU6.2,
Systems Network Architecture,and Common Programming Interface
AFS Andrew file system.
aggregate file
Afile, stored in one or more storage pools, consisting of a group of logical files
packaged together.See logical file and physical file.
AIX Advanced Interactive Executive.
analyst privilege class
An administrative privilege class that allows an administrator to reset statistics.
Andrew file system (AFS)
Adistributed file system developed for UNIX operating systems.
API Application program interface.
APPC Advanced Program-to-Program Communication.
application client
One of the Tivoli Data Protection for application programs installed on a system.
The Tivoli Storage Manager server provides backup services to these clients.
APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking.
archive Afunction that allows users to copy one or more files to a storage pool for
long-term storage.Archive copies may be accompanied by descriptive information
and may be retrieved by archive date, by file name, or by description. Contrast with
archive copy
Auser file that has been archived to a TSM storage pool.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages