ANR8797W command: Drive drive name of library library name is inaccessible.
Explanation: The server is unable to use the mentioned drive. This may be for the
following reasons:
¶The drive cannot be opened.
¶In the case of a 3494 or a library that can be partitioned, the drive may be
unavailable to the library manager, may be in use by another application, or
may be loaded with a cartridge not labeled for server use.
SystemAction: The drive is temporarily made offline and is not used for tape
operations. The server polls the drive at one-half minute intervals to check if the
condition has cleared. Once the drives is accessible again, the drive is brought
User Response: Determinethe reason the drive is inaccessible, such as hardware
errors reported in the system logs. Render any needed corrections to the drive. The
drive will be brought online automatically when the polling process detects that is
has become accessible.
ANR8798W Drive drive name in library library name is busy; some transactions may fail.
Explanation: The drive being made offline is currently mounted with an open tape
volume. If the transaction using the volume requires subsequent tape mounts and is
unable to acquire a drive, the transaction will fail.
SystemAction: If this tape volume is one of a sequence of volumes that are
required to process a transaction, a drive must be available for each mount. This
may be any drive in the library,but if all other library drives are currently busy and
are still busy at the time the new tape must be mounted, the transaction will fail.
User Response: Ifpossible, make the drive online until the transaction using it
ends. If there is an idle volume on the drive, dismount the volume first.
ANR8799I Command: Operation for library library name started as process processID.
Explanation: ALABEL process has been started to write the label on the
specified volume in the given library.The process is assigned the ID specified in the
SystemAction: The server starts a background process to perform the operation in
response to the LABEL command entered by an administrator.
User Response: To obtain status on the process, issue the QUERYPROCESS
command. The process may be canceled with the CANCELPROCESS command.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages