ANR6223I Delete compression process processID has completed - number of files files were
Explanation: The indicated process has completed processing.All database
references have been deleted for the indicated number of files.
SystemAction: The process ends.
User Response: None.
ANR6224I Force backup process processID has completed - number of files files were
marked for forced backup.
Explanation: The indicated process has completed processing. The indicated
number of files have been marked for forced backup. These files will be backed up
during the next incremental backup.
SystemAction: The process ends.
User Response: None.
ANR6225I File identifier removed as a suspect for compression errors.
Explanation: The file with the specified identifier has been removed from the
database information concerning files with possible compression errors. Other
database information concerning the file is not affected.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR6226I Command name: Started as background process processID.
Explanation: Acompression cleanup operation has been started to remove
compression candidate information and temporary database entries from the server
database. Client files are not affected by this operation.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: TheCANCEL PROCESS command can be used to cancel the
compression cleanup operation. The QUERYPROCESS command may be used to
query the status of the operation.
ANR6227I cleanup process name operation starting as processprocess ID.
Explanation: Acompression cleanup operation has been started to remove
compression candidate information and temporary database entries from the server
database. Client files are not affected by this operation.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7