ANR5234E (S/390)AllExit Machines are ″Offline″.
Explanation: All the defined mount exit virtual machines have been placed in the
off-line status by the server.
SystemAction: Any mount requests by the server are queued.
User Response: Determinethe cause of the autolog failures of all the mount exit
virtual machines, correct any problems and use the DSMOP or administrator
READY EXITcommand to make the mount exit machines available.
ANR5240E (S/390)Requestnumber: Mount for volume ID has timed out.
Explanation: The mount request has not been satisfied in the requested time.
SystemAction: The server cancels the mount request.
User Response: None.
ANR5241E (S/390)ExitMachine mountvm not logged on, mount for volume ID cancelled.
Explanation: Amount exit virtual machine has logged off without satisfying the
server’s mount request.
SystemAction: The server cancels the mount request.
User Response: None.
ANR5250E (S/390)Command:User user ID not authorized.
Explanation: An unauthorized user has attempted to enter a DSMOP command.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Ifthe user should be authorized, add that user ID on the
REPLYOPoption in the DSMSERV OPT file.
ANR5251E (S/390)Command:Invalid request number - request number.
Explanation: ADSMOP command has been entered with an incorrect request
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Enterthe command with the correct request number.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages