User Response: Ensure that sufficient paging space is available forAIX. You may
also use SMIT to determine if the number of applications is causing a memory
shortage. It may be necessary to decrease the maximum number of client sessions
by changing the MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
ANR7820E (AS/400)
Unable to open file file name for filetext exit.
Explanation: An error occurred when trying to open the file specified for the
filetext exit.
SystemAction: The filetext exit is disabled.
User Response: Ensure that the user starting the server or the user QADSM has
authority to the specified file. When the problem has been correct, END
restart event logging to the file.
ANR7820S (HP-UX)
Server thread thread ID terminated in responseto program abort.
Explanation: The thread has ended due to a program abort.
SystemAction: The server completes termination processing.
User Response: Note the associated messages and contact your service
ANR7820S (Solaris)
Server thread thread ID terminated in responseto program abort.
Explanation: The thread has ended due to a program abort.
SystemAction: The server completes termination processing.
User Response: Note the associated messages and call your service representative.
ANR7820W (Windows NT)
Insufficient SpaceAvailable for file file name.
Explanation: The server was attempting to create a file with the indicated name.
There was insufficient space for the file on the disk.
SystemAction: Server processing continues. The file creation request fails.
User Response: Specify a file name on a drive with sufficient space or change the
space request to a value consistent with the drive.
Version 3 Release 7