ANR8444E (AS/400)
Command: Library library name is currently unavailable.
Explanation: The requested operation cannot be completed because the specified
library is unavailable for I/O operations. The library may be carrying out its
initialization operations.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Retrythe requested operation when the library initialization
completes or when the library becomes ready.
ANR8445I Volumevolume name in library library name updated.
Explanation: The specified library volume has been updated successfully.
SystemAction: The library volume inventory is updated.
User Response: None.
ANR8445I (AS/400)
Volumevolume name in library library name updated.
Explanation: The specified library volume has been updated successfully.
SystemAction: The library volume inventory is updated.
User Response: None.
ANR8446I Manual intervention required for librarylibrary name.
Explanation: The specified library requires manual intervention.
SystemAction: Current library activity will be delayed until the required
intervention occurs.
User Response: Ifthe library has an access door, make sure it is in the closed
position. If it has a cartridge carousel, make sure the carousel is installed. The
server automatically detects when the appropriate action has been taken; it will then
continue its operations.
ANR8446I (AS/400)
Manual intervention required for librarylibrary name.
Explanation: The specified library requires manual intervention.
SystemAction: Current library activity is delayed until the required intervention
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages