ANS9545E program-name: cannot get lock forlockdirlockfile to continue processing.
Explanation: TSM space management could not obtain a lock for a file.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Resolvethe problem and retry the operation.
ANS9546I Attempting to access remote file.
Explanation: Aprocess is attempting to access a file that is not stored locally.
SystemAction: waits for space management to recall the file.
User Response: Continuewith normal operation.
ANS9547W File access denied because file is in migration.
Explanation: The file being accessed is currently being migrated.Access to this
file is denied during the migration process.
SystemAction: Retry after migration has been completed.
User Response: Continuewith normal operation.
ANS9548W Cannot complete remote file access.
Explanation: TSM space management cannot complete the remote file access. The
file may be migrated to an TSM migration server.The file cannot be recalled to the
local machine. The server could be temporarily disabled.
SystemAction: TSM terminates the current operation.
User Response: Checkto see whether the server has been disabled by the system
administrator, then retry the operation.
ANS9549W File migration has been discontinued.
Explanation: Migration stops because the file is being migrated by another
process or a system error occurred.
SystemAction: TSM terminates the current operation.
User Response: Continuewith normal operation.
ANS9550W File recall has been discontinued.
Explanation: Recall stops because the file being recalled would cause the file
system to run out of space.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
15. Tivoli Space Manager