Table6. Common Values for ASC and ASCQ Codes (continued)
ASC ASCQ Description
0x51 0x00 Erase failure
0x52 0x00 Cartridge fault
0x53 0x00 Load/media eject failed
0x53 0x01 Unload tape failure
0x53 0x02 Media removal prevented
0x5A 0x00 Operatorstate changed
0x5A 0x01 Operatormedia removal
0x5A 0x02 Operatorwrite protect
0x5A 0x03 Operatorwrite permit
0x5B 0x00 Logexception
0x5B 0x01 Thresholdcondition met
0x5B 0x02 Logcounter at maximum
0x5B 0x03 Loglist codes exhausted
Windows NT Event Log Entries
The code values will appear as hexadecimal values in the Data area
of the Windows NT Event Log. The Event Log omits the 0x prefix
for the displayed information.
In the NT Event Log, the entries with source AdsmScsi are produced
by the AdsmScsi device driver.In these entries, byte 44 is the sense
key, byte 43 is theASC, and byte 42 is the ASCQ. (This is also true
of entries logged by any of the NT tape device drivers.) If byte 44 is
'ef', the error logged is not a check condition error. Examples of such
errors are command timeouts or device selection errors.
Version 3 Release 7